Roller Skates and Blades are permitted on the Boardwalk as follows:
Weekdays: April 1 - Memorial Day from 6:00am - 4:00pm
Weekends: April 1 - May 15 from sunrise - 12:00pm
Weekends: May 15 - Memorial Day sunrise - 10:00am
Weekdays: Labor Day - September 30 from 6:00am - 4:00pm
Weekends: Day after Labor Day - September 30 sunrise - 10:00am
October 1 - March 31 any time except Springfest and Sunfest
Elsewhere, bicycles may be ridden, following all Maryland laws and safe bicycling rules. Remember to ride in the same direction as motor vehicle traffic and observe stop signs and traffic signals in the evening and at night, a headlight and rear reflector are required.
SKATEBOARDS are permitted on the boardwalk during the same times as bicycling, however it is prohibited throughout the rest of the town with the exception of the skate park. Beginning on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, skateboarding is permitted between 2:00am and 11:00am of the same day. Outside of the summer season, skateboarding is permitted on the boardwalk with no time restrictions. Stunts and tricks are not allowed on the boardwalk.