Delmarva Discovery Museum
The Delmarva Discovery Center on the Pocomoke River serves as a source of learning and discovery for the public through the preservation and interpretation of its cultural and natural heritage.
Located on the Pocomoke River in downtown Pocomoke City, the Delmarva Discovery Center (DDC) is a living museum, a place for learning and discovery for visitors of all ages. The immersive and engaging exhibits take visitors on a timeless journey through Delmarva and through the Cypress Swamp. The exhibits focus on the river ecology and the human history of the Pocomoke River and Delmarva. The DDC continues to add to its unique collection, offering return visitors something new to discover each time they visit. The DDC offers a regular schedule of programs, tours, and presentations to families, school classes, youth groups, and other visitors.
The DDC is a 16,000 square foot, 1920’s era building and houses the exhibits, a Museum Store, classroom, and administrative space. Visitors can extend their visit to Pocomoke by strolling through Cypress Park or walking through the Cypress Swamp on the Discovery Nature Trail. Also, within walking distance are the Sturgis One Room School House, The historic Mar-Va Theatre and the Costen House.