* The 2.5 mile Boardwalk stretches from the Inlet in South Ocean City to 27th Street.
* The 10 mile stretch of beautiful beach in Ocean City is completely free and open to the public from 6:00am to 10:00pm. No private vehicles are permitted on the beach at any time.
* The ocean surf can be rough and it is best to swim only when lifeguards are on duty.
* Lifeguards are on duty from 10:00am to 5:30pm from Saturday, Memorial Day until Sunfest Weekend in September.
*The Town of Ocean City proudly offers Smoke-Free areas on the beach and Boardwalk. The new smoking restrictions on the beach and Boardwalk have established smoke-free areas within the town where smoking is prohibited. Voluntary compliance is expected; however town ordinances allows for the issuance of citations for violations. Smoking must be contained within 15 feet of the receptacle in each designated smoking area.
* Surf fishing is permitted in Ocean City. However, be sure you are not within 50 yards of swimmers or of anyone on the beach between 9:00am and 6:00pm. Please note that you are required to have a Salt Water Fishing License. Visit dnr2.maryland.gov/fisheries for more information.
* Bicycles are permitted on the Boardwalk during the off season (Labor Day - Memorial Day) except during Springfest and Sunfest. From Memorial Day - Labor Day, bikes are permitted from 2:00am to 11:00am Monday - Friday and 2:00am - 10:00am Saturday and Sunday.
*Roller skates and blades are permitted on the Boardwalk as follows:
October 1 - March 31: weekdays - anytime, weekends - anytime
April 1 -May 15: weekdays - 6am to 4pm, weekends (holidays and Springfest) - sunrise to noon
May 15 - Memorial Day: weekdays - 6am to 4pm, weekends (holidays) - sunrise to 10am
Memorial Day - Labor Day: not permitted
Labor Day - September 30: weekdays - 6am to 4pm, weekends (holidays and Sunfest) - sunrise to 10am
*Skateboards are permitted on the boardwalk during the same times as bicycling, however, it is prohibited throughout the rest of Ocean City with the exception of the skate park. Beginning on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, skateboarding is permitted between the hours of 2:00am and 11:00am. During Springfest and Sunfest, skateboarding is permitted between 2:00am and 12:00pm of the same day. Outside of the summer season, skateboarding is permitted on the boardwalk with no time restrictions. Stunts and tricks are not allowed on the boardwalk.
*Pets are permitted on the beach and boardwalk from October 1 - April 30. Dogs must be on a leash. Please obey the Town's "pooper-scooper" ordinance.
*Public showers are located at Caroline Street, the Inlet Beach and 9th Street.
*Sleeping on the beach is prohibited between the hours of 10:00pm - 6:00am. Only police and maintenance personnel are permitted on the beach between the hours of midnight and 5:00am. Please do not sleep in any vehicle within the city limits of Ocean City.
*Surfing is only permitted in designated surf areas. Surfers must use an ankle leash that is tethered to them and the board at all times. For more information on designated surf areas, please call 410-289-7556. You can also sign up for surf notifications at http://oceancitymd.gov/Recreation_and_Parks/Beach_Patrol/
*No fires of any kind (including grills, hibachis, gas fired grills, liquid propane, gas stoves or any similar apparatus and bonfires) shall be permitted on the beach without a permit from the Fire Marshal.
*Beach access points:
Inlet Beach*
Somerset Street
Talbot Street
North Division
1st Street*
7th Street*
12th Street
25th Street
27th Street*
30th Street*
35th Street
37th Street
40th Street*
48th Street*
59th Street*
70th Street*
81st Street*
89th Street*
94th Street*
107th Street*
120th Street*
130th Street*
139th Street*
145th Street*
*Note: Beach wheelchairs are available at * locations.